Zip Water HydroTaps, Filters, CO2 & Accessories

Zip Water's award-winning technology instantly transforms water be it filtered, chilled, boiling, or sparkling, for home or business.

55 products

Need help selecting the right Zip tap for your home or office? Contact our team for speedy assistance!

The world's most advanced drinking water system. Best known as the alternative to Quooker and its biggest rival - this is the world’s number one selling instant tap provider.

The iconic Zip HydroTap range  features a choice of 5-in-1 taps, 4-in-1, or 3-in-1 Boiling and or Filter Taps.  Choose your favourite combination of Boiling, Chilled Still, and or Sparkling Water, with optional domestic hot and cold, as a single tap solution.

Select from uber-modern styles such as the industrial-looking HydroTap Classic Plus, or HydroTap Classic Plus All-In-One (up to 5 water options, including domestic hot & cold), to more traditional styles like the HydroTap Arc All-In-One.

Plus your choice of over Sink or Font installation. We also stock essential Hydrotap accessories including Zip Limescale Prevention Installation Filter Kit for Home (Hard Water areas only) and the Water Block Anti-Flood device

Questions or Concerns About Zip tap installation? Why not let us arrange a home or office installation for you with a specialist Zip Water engineer - available to book with your purchase!